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Employers: Train a Skilled Workforce

What are the benefits of

being an INFAME chapter?

INFAME companies will inform local educational institutions on what curriculum is to be taught and how it is to be delivered, thereby ensuring a continuous pipeline of appropriately manufacturing talent. Company sponsors also have the opportunity to hire students into full-time positions at the completion of the program. Being an INFAME company will provide you with the opportunity to access the very best trained and prepared entry-level manufacturers available, giving you an immediate competitive advantage.

What are a company’s

obligations to the program?

Over the course of the program, company sponsors commit to providing valuable work experience, including competitive pay, hands-on instruction and a flexible schedule. Most students earn $25,000-$30,000, enough to cover the cost of tuition.

How are students selected

for the program?

Companies recruit high-achieving technically-minded high school graduates with STEM backgrounds, current employees and veterans. Candidates complete and submit an application for acceptance into the program.


Through INFAME, you have the opportunity to invest in the next generation of advanced manufacturers by providing them the specific on-the-job training you need to remain globally competitive. 


Regional INFAME chapters connect manufacturers with high-achieving high school students and veterans to ensure a robust pipeline of well-trained employees.


Participating companies provide part-time, hands-on work experience while local community colleges reinforce necessary skills with classroom experience specifically chosen by employers.


At the end of the program, students will earn an associate degree in applied science in industrial maintenance technology-advanced manufacturing technician track, certification as an advanced manufacturing technician (AMT) and two years of work experience.


Participants will be ready to enter your workforce full time with all the skills needed to succeed.

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INFAME (The Indiana Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education) is a company-sponsored partnership of regional employers who share the goal of creating a pipeline of highly skilled workers.


INFAME is a part of the national FAME network.

Click here to find out more 

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